[2025, 석사졸] 김미선 (Misun Kim) - SK C&C
Research Interests
Deep Learning based Multi-Defect Detection scheme in Wafer using Attention Module and GAIN
최지환, 김미선, 이하림, "다중 결함 인지 손실 함수 및 머신러닝 기반 웨이퍼 결함 종류 검파 기법 연구," 한국통신학회, 2022.
Vector-representation based Pattern Recognition using Capsule Network
김미선, 최지환, 이하림, "웨이퍼 맵의 다중 패턴 인지를 위한 벡터 표현 기반 캡슐네트워크 구현", 한국통신학회 논문지, Excellent Paper Selection, 2023.
Development of Thickness Prediction System.
Project Experience
Predicting antenna performance of autonomous driving sensors, LG Aimers, 2022, DACON (upper 6%)
Samsung AI Challenge (3D Metrology), 2022, DACON
[2024, 학사졸] 김영섭 (Young sub Kim) - Cadence
Research Interests
Development of Deep Learning-based Technique for Predicting Lymph Node Metastasis of Breast Cancer.
Dragonnet that is one of the causal inference networks is used for predicting lymph node metastasis of breast cancer.
김영섭, 이하림, "Prediction of Lymph Node Metastasis by Combining Causal Inference and Vision based Networks", 한국통신학회 동계학술대회, 2024.
Project Experience
Predicting antenna performance of autonomous driving sensors, LG Aimers, 2022, DACON (upper 6%).